me , myself and linux.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

setting code developer's setup in Linux.

If you want to code for webpages, web apps. the popular language is Php ( and mysql ( as database, both are freely available and run on apache ( server. this is famously acronmyed as LAMP setup. L= Linux A=Apache M=Mysql P=php/perl.

This can be installed manually (which all professional admins like me do), you wont have some kind of nice control panel or collective way of controlling it, each service will have to be controlled by its specific commands plus (like /etc/init.d/httpd stop - to stop webserver, or /etc/init.d/mysqld stop- to stop database server etc) Choosing manual setup option will take day or days (if you a fresher admin) to really make it run smoothly.

If you dont want to get tangled with administration and spend your time developing/learning codes you can look at solution called XAMPP by (

Its just a single file to download containing webserver, code libraries, database, email server, tomcat server (to serve java server pages), ftp server and all the she bang. Just download it in /opt directory at your linux. uncompress it with command tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz or tar -jzvf filename.tar.bz2 and run lampp in command line like "[root@localhost opt|/opt/lamppfile/lamp start" press enter. and see all messages.

If you are totally new to linux, I recommend you visit link.this is the best guide and has nice guide with screenshots and all for any new user to follow and get this working sucessfully. Happy lamping.

After you become intermediate or experienced enough, start filing resumes at online job portals and fetch yourself handsome pocketmoney by bidding code projects at following websites that i know.


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