me , myself and linux.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

dlink DWL 630 pcmcia now working on linux :)

WUHOOOOO. its working with no monstrous cpu usage. Just downloaded fresh copy of ndiswrapper. recompiled it and wuhoo. its working.cpu/mem all things are normal.

common who wants to touch me now. common touch me. i am so cool.
It is now I can freely feel like RoadWarrior in true sense.

:P ok need to calm down..

--------------------------howto starts---------------------------
what i have is fedora 4 on my IBM thinkpad R40e laptop. with E17 as GUI.

When i plainly tried to install drivers using ndiswrapper. my whole pc would freeze or my screen would have massive messages running on my screen with keyboard hanging off on me.

Here is what i did. First I got myself a FULL patched kernel from Thank you Linuxant ! . this was needed cause by default the kernel loaded from fedora just supports 4Kstacks and Windows drivers need more stacks.

IMPORTANT:- First, make sure what version of Fedora are you using, and is it i586 or i686 ( do uname -a )and download the matching FULL kernel. the patches didnt work for me. I had to download full versions.also download kernel-devel-* so you have the kernel modules which ndiswrapper will ask you.

After installing this kernel. I got ndiswrapper Ndiswrapper complied by the usual make && make install mambo dance. the went into Dlink'
s windows driver folder i had kept, followed by the commands below.
ndiswrapper -i Neta3ab
ndiswrapper -l
ifdown eth0
iwlist wlan0 scan
iwconfig wlan0 essid anshu
iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed
iwconfig wlan0 key restricted 1203230A0D
ifconfig wlan0 up
dhclient wlan0

On doing dhclient, i got assigned a IP from router. :) it was done. I then started, system-config-network, selected the wlan, enabled "start device when computer starts" (something like that).
started opera browser and tadaa. my internet is working.

to put this in modprobe, I fired "ndiswrapper -m" to put alias in modprobe.conf.

that is it. should do the work. too me some minutes. :) but to find linuxant site, i kept googling for days and weeks literally, i hardly find sparse time to research like this. hope i saved you lots of time on google.

enjoy. :).

dlink dwl 630 wireless is working on this fedora laptop but.

posting this from laptop running Dlink DWL 630 Airplus wireless pcmcia card. its got IP from dhcp running on wireless router and all.

but this freaking modprobe is eating cpu at 100%. cant even kill it. i did got message warning it when iwas installing windows driver by ndiswrapper. but . geez. my left leg is completely cooking right now. (the laptop.. is on lap.. got it?).

gotta see. is there new version or thing. man it was so sweet to see getting wireless working on this fedora. but. cant see it at 100%. lets hope some christmas blessings fall on me and i get some solution.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Nforce 3 Onboard Audio and Linux. it works !.

This is my linux setup, using Centos 4.2, and E17 as desktop windows manager. :D the real joy is, i got Asus Nforce 3 motherboard and didnt get to use full feathures Nvidias onboard sounds give. In Windows XP you can do lots of cool tricks with NVMixer. but I thought i will have to do without it in linux. I was so wrong :).

go to to download this Nforce Audio and Ethernet drivers for linux.

This is NVmixer :D :) :D. so sweet. Nvidia RULES :D. (BTW got ATI Radeon 9600 running but ati's crappy driver wont run.)

putting lyrics on my blog, i can go to jail.

what the hell is with RIAA and their associates, looks like i can go to jail if I am making lyrics on this site (as i have done below here).

they are full of *(@& . But now i feel so rebellious, :D.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

setting code developer's setup in Linux.

If you want to code for webpages, web apps. the popular language is Php ( and mysql ( as database, both are freely available and run on apache ( server. this is famously acronmyed as LAMP setup. L= Linux A=Apache M=Mysql P=php/perl.

This can be installed manually (which all professional admins like me do), you wont have some kind of nice control panel or collective way of controlling it, each service will have to be controlled by its specific commands plus (like /etc/init.d/httpd stop - to stop webserver, or /etc/init.d/mysqld stop- to stop database server etc) Choosing manual setup option will take day or days (if you a fresher admin) to really make it run smoothly.

If you dont want to get tangled with administration and spend your time developing/learning codes you can look at solution called XAMPP by (

Its just a single file to download containing webserver, code libraries, database, email server, tomcat server (to serve java server pages), ftp server and all the she bang. Just download it in /opt directory at your linux. uncompress it with command tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz or tar -jzvf filename.tar.bz2 and run lampp in command line like "[root@localhost opt|/opt/lamppfile/lamp start" press enter. and see all messages.

If you are totally new to linux, I recommend you visit link.this is the best guide and has nice guide with screenshots and all for any new user to follow and get this working sucessfully. Happy lamping.

After you become intermediate or experienced enough, start filing resumes at online job portals and fetch yourself handsome pocketmoney by bidding code projects at following websites that i know.

Friday, December 16, 2005

the hit list. corparate evils are not urban myths.

The webpage says. the following.

"Most Wanted" Corporate Human Rights Violators of 2005
Take Action for International Human Rights Day!


Corporations carry out some of the most horrific human rights abuses of modern times, but it is increasingly difficult to hold them to account. Economic globalization and the rise of transnational corporate power have created a favorable climate for corporate human rights abusers, which are governed principally by the codes of supply and demand and show genuine loyalty only to their stockholders.

Though it isn't easy, we can check the power of corporations—and citizens around the world are stepping up to do it. Global Exchange developed this list of some of the world's worst corporate abusers to illustrate that on issues as diverse as assassination, torture, kidnapping, environmental degradation, abusing public funds, violently repressing political rights, releasing toxins into pristine environments, destroying homes, discrimination, and causing widespread health problems, familiar companies like Dow Chemical, Coca Cola, Caterpillar, Lockheed, Philip Morris, and Wal-Mart play a big role. Now we need you to take action!

What i liked was they didnt miss the chemical gas incident in bihar and coca cola's much published bottled water from water well's incident in south india.

full read is here >>

Thursday, December 15, 2005

themer for e17

Gulivert's site for filled with theme's and icons for e17.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Come, have a quickie.

Who doesnt love quickie? we all are fans of 5 minute guide, blah blah in 21 days, and what not.

so how about a quick one with linux? how do files show up in linux, how to copy, move, delete, save files in linux. what is command updatedb do, how to make a default file index, as if a google desktop search inbuilt into linux, and use it. and all the stuff you would like to know in straight 10-15 minutes.

Visit learnUNIXin10minutes.html . The author does a great job simplifying things for a new user (polularly called as newbie, noob).

My favourite commands you would also like to use are (to be used on command like popularly known as CLI command line interface).

1) "who" -> shows you how many users are currently logged into linux (linux is a multiple user/terminal enviornment platform.)

2)"uname -a " -> shows complete information of linux operating system, with kernel version, system date, uptime and load average etc.

3) "top" -> this is like "task manager" ala in windows os. but top works great in command line. shows you all processes running in real time.

4) "cat /etc/*release*" -> works in many linux softwares, shows you the Brand/Distribution name of linux you have installed.

5) "ps -ef" -> process running on your system, which user is running it, the path of the file its running, time it has been running, cpu, mem usage its taking. and process id. many admins use it with grep "app/process name" to get short/easy result.

6) "wget http://downloadfilelink" -> wget is like downloader, from command line. there is proper downloader like d4x but wget is very good one, "curl" command is another good option.

7) "vi /path/filename" -> sweet little editor, you can cut/copy/paste/delete with lots of key combination, for e.g:- press "8" and "D" key two times, 8 lines from your current like will be cut in clipboard, if you move to other lines above or below, and press "P" key, the eight lines will be pasted.

8) "rm /path/filename" -> this is one dangerous command, you can even manage to delete entire partition without getting any warnings.

9) "touch /path/filename" -> this just creates a empty file on given path, with zero content, quite good if you get script errors for missing file etc.

10) "locate anyfilename" -> to make this command work, you will need slocate installed (which is present mostly in any default installation) and run command "updatedb" as root (main admin) user. the updatedb command builds a fast searchable index of all files and their locations in entire linux operating system. so when you do "locate somefilename" it will search the database and give you all results. its like inbuilt google desktop search. :) (without the gui stuff ofcourse).

that was my quick top ten commands to use when using linux.

just for someone who wants more than quickie. some links for you. go, enjoy.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

dark clouds like to hang around me.

"Boulevard Of Broken Dreams"

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
and I'm the only one and I walk alone

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone

I'm walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the border line
Of the edge and where I walk alone

Reading between the lines
What's fucked up and everything's alright
Check my vital signs
To know I'm still alive and I walk alone

audioslave. so true. so true.

song "be yourself" by audioslave ,
Someone falls to pieces, sleeping all alone and someone kills the pain

Spinning in the silence, it finally drifts away
someone gets excited in a chapel yard and catches a bouquet
another lays a dozen white roses on her grave

And to be yourself is all that you can do
to be yourself is all that you can do

Someone finds salvation in everyone, another only pain
someone tries to hide himself, down inside himself he prays
someone swears its true love until the end of time, another runs away
separate or united, healthy or insane

And to be yourself is all that you can do
to be yourself is all that you can do
to be yourself is all that you can do
to be yourself is all that you can do

And even when you’ve paid enough, been pulled apart or been held up
Because every single memory of the good or bad faces of luck
don’t lose any sleep tonight
I'm sure everything will end up alright

you may win or lose

But to be yourself is all that you can do
to be yourself is all that you can do

So true, these words right now are golden for me. thats all i can do.

Friday, December 02, 2005

dlink wifi routerrrr Wuhoooooo

got dlink wifi router . its 802.11g :D best for me.
its peice of cake to configure.

but . i got dlink Airplus G DWL G630 PCMCIA WIFI card. and got only linux running on that laptop. :( no linux drivers in cd.

superly sucks ... now need to find on net how to do it. i think ndiswrapper will make it cake walk. lets see.

i am stoked .. totally.

p.s:- found this good website totally related to wifi and linux >>